Revival Fire
Ministries of Africa

Discipleship Programs

Winning souls is the primary commission given to us, but along with winning them, we also have to keep them so that our fruit will remain.

Basic Discipleship Program

Series Overview

This series is from Into the Harvest Ministries. It introduces you to the basics of living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Each lesson is one-page, front and back and covers an important aspect of being a disciple.

The course is organized into five parts as shown below. Click to access and download each lesson.

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Part 1: Following the Master

  1. The Call to Follow
  2. The Word and Prayer
  3. Fellowshipping
  4. Witnessing

Part 2: Who Is Jesus?

  1. Son of Man
  2. Son of God
  3. The Teacher
  4. The Lord

Part 3: The Kingdom of God

  1. A Fallen Race
  2. A World Divided
  3. A Disputed King
  4. A God Who Rules

Part 4: Marks of a Disciple

  1. A New Identity
  2. The Holy Spirit
  3. Called to Character
  4. Called to Maturity

Part 5: The Mission of Christ

  1. The Great Commision
  2. The New Commandment
  3. Spiritual Generations
  4. Faith and Promises